Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Saturday Night Fever!

This past Saturday night Central Station joined with the Siege Team and hit the streets.  It was about 40 degrees and the Georgia game had been over for about 4 hrs when we got downtown.  We had the Astounding Alan join us performing some great illusions.  He drew quite a crowd.  We also had hot coco and some great cup cakes.

  Three testimonies that stand out- 1) there were two guys that hesitatingly took cups of hot coco and then said, "Why are y'all doing this?"  We smiled and replied "To show the love of God because God's love is free just like this coco!"
2)  I talked with an employee of the Grill and he asked who we were.  I told him and started asking about him.  Turns out he is a Christian who wants to be a missionary to Nicaragua!  This is a country that our church has been involved with for years.  In fact this guy had worked with Amigos for Christ whom we have worked with a lot in the past!

3)  A very intoxicated guy came stumbling down the street and then sat down right in front of the people leading worship in our group.  It was literally like he got sober for a few seconds.  He suddenly replied as the worship was enveloping him, "This feels so right!"  The lady leading worship was standing on a ledge over him and leaned down over him.  The worship song was basically saying glory to God in the highest.  The guy then abruptly stood up and said "I've got to go."  It was if the love of God and conviction of the Holy Spirit hit him both at the same time!

I pray that this man and all we touched would be drawn closer to Christ this week and reminded of His kindness, grace and love for them.  -Pastor Anthony

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