Thursday, September 9, 2010

I Have A Testimony About Jesus!

What a amazing night our team had at our last street ministry night! Our group was small to start with and got even smaller before the night was over but the Lord only needs one to touch peoples hearts! There really are a lot of testimonies to share but I will only share 1 for now! That night we had decided to do something different than we had ever done before. We decided to walk up and down the streets of downtown Athens (GA) worshipping and praying! As we did this I saw some people look at us in confusion, some with laughing, some with shock, and others with smiles! As we worshipped and prayed I noticed a girl across the street; she was walking in the same direction we were and she was watching us with that confused look I was talking about! As we continued to walk she eventually had to come over to are side of the street and she began to talk to Sharla ( Team mate) and I! She asked what we were doing, we told her and we began to strike up a conversation with her. After a couple minutes we asked her if she needed prayer for anything! She said yeah that would be great! She then began to tell us about her grandfather who had just had heart surgery. She told us he was still in the hospital and they didn't know if he would make it yet! We began to pray healing over her grandfather and also receive pictures the Lord gave us to encourage her! After we were done she thanked us and said she was very happy we were downtown! We may never know what happens to her grandfather but it says in Matthew 10:8 "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, so freely give." So I believe he's healed!!!
God bless -Kendall

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