Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Lame Will Walk Again!

We had an incredible night downtown yesterday! God did so much. I talked with two young guys for about an hour and got to pray for them. Both were in search of jobs. One of the guys also asked for prayer for his foot. He had a very large piece of wood stuck in the bottom of it. His foot did not look good! He said it was very painful and that he was having trouble walking. What is cool about this is that in the prayer room the Lord had spoke to us that He wanted to straighten a leg and to help someone walk. So this definitely related! I gathered most of the team together to join me in prayer for this man's foot. We prayed twice and he said it felt better and that he could move it more. He said he wasn't able to move it much at all before. Praise God! Please believe with us that the Lord will completely heal his foot! To God alone be the glory! We concluded the night with an intense time of prayer and worship in front of a strip club. May God continue to move in our city! ~ Pastor Anthony

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